Panakka Tree is a tree up to 15 m tall, sometimes
shrub; branchlets nearly round or obscurely 4-angled. Leaf-stalks are
short, 2-5 mm; leaf blade ovate to obovate-oblong, rarely nearly round,
3-8 x 1.5-5.2 cm, papery, base wedge-shaped, margin entire, sometimes
slightly recurved, tip blunt, pointed, rarely tapering, very rarely
retuse; veins 5 or 6 pairs, thin and obvious. Flowers are borne in
cymes of 1 or 2 branches, few flowered; flower-cluster-stalk very
short, 2-3 mm; flower-stalk 1-2 mm. Flowers are green; sepals rounded
or somewhat kidney-shaped, about 0.5 x 0.75-1 mm; petals elliptic or
broadly ovate, 1.25-1.5 x about 1 mm, reflexed at anthesis, blunt or
slightly pointed. Disk margin slightly rounded toothed. Stamens are
attached just below on disk margin. Nut is ellipsoid or sometimes
slightly obovoid, 5-7 x 4-5 mm. Panakka Tree is found in South Asia,
Madagascar and Mauritius. In India it is confined to Peninsular India.
Flowering: September-January.
Identification credit: N Arun Kumar
Photographed in Chokkanahalli, Bangalore outskirts.
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